While the X-Men and the entrance of mutants have been hinted at before Phase Four, only Ms. Marvel officially acknowledged mutants’ presence in the MCU. The show’s main character is Kamala Khan, a Pakistani-American kid who learns that her grandmother gave her a bracelet that gave her special abilities. Ms. Marvel is not just a terrific superhero television program with fresh cameos. Still, it is also laying the groundwork for important changes in the franchise’s main characters that will impact the Marvel Cinematic Universe and The Marvels in the future.
Marvel has been teasing the appearance of mutants for years, leaving fans eagerly anticipating how it will all come together. Finally, Ms. Marvel came up with a novel concept for the momentous announcement. Through an unexpected easter egg, the show has unexpectedly confirmed the existence of mutants. Beyond Bruno’s suggestion of a mutation, the MCU included a playful, subliminal allusion to support that claim. It all seems intriguingly set up by the Easter egg, leaving us to wonder what more surprises Marvel has in store for them. So let’s see what is currently known about the easter egg and the intriguing possibilities it opens up for the MCU.
How Ms. Marvel Verified That Mutants Exist in the MCU

The Easter eggs are typically found in the series’ various locations or in the post-credits scene. But this time, Marvel revealed the existence of mutants in the MCU through credits in a fun way. The evidence for this is an Easter egg from episode six of the show that uses the well-known X-Men animated theme song.
You will instantly remember the theme song from the 1992 television program where mutants made their debut if you are an X-Men fan. The X-Men theme begins to play as the credits begin to roll as Bruno tells Kamala about the gene mutation, confirming that mutants are not only present in the MCU but have been there all along. You’ll have to wait until the end of Episode 6, titled “No Normal,” to see it, but it’s definitely worth the wait. It’s a deft approach to tease viewers and introduce mutants without giving away too much.
The reasons why Ms. Marvel’s clever X-Men Easter egg was ideal
The much-anticipated reveal of mutants in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was properly revealed by the X-Men Easter egg. Marvel made a wise choice by including the X-Men theme music in the program because it has grown to be a beloved element of the X-Men lore. It establishes the groundwork for their upcoming entrance while confirming the existence of mutants within the MCU.
The Easter egg is understated but nonetheless powerful, demonstrating that Marvel understands its audience and how to keep them interested. Any successful franchise needs to establish an emotional connection with its audience, which Marvel did by using a well-known song. Fans were thrilled by this Easter egg and anticipating what the MCU will bring next. All things considered, using the recognizable X-Men cartoon theme song over Ms. Marvel’s end credits was the ideal method to establish that mutants exist in the MCU. Without giving too much away, the theme song offered a quick insight into the MCU’s plans for mutants.